Wallet.io is a secure decentralized cryptocurrency wallet, which is the only wallet that supports 2FA around the world. Wallet.io now supports almost all the major crypto assets such as BTC, ETH, EOS, BCH, BCHSV, Tezos, Tron, etc. It also provides decentralized swap service for crypto assets and free EOS CPU power renting service.
As the only decentralized wallet on both Web and mobile App that supports most crypto assets, Wallet.io now supports ATOM (Cosmos) mainnet asset.
Use Wallet.io via Web: https://wallet.io
Download mobile app (for Android and iOS): https://walletio.io/download
Wallet.io Pro provides multiple signature service with major cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, EOS, etc, offering robust security for professional traders.
Use Wallet.io pro via Web: https://pro.wallet.io/
Download mobile app (for Android and iOS): https://pro.wallet.io/download