To improve users’ trading experiences, now releases the newest version of its Android APP (2.5.1).
Users can now check out our latest activities on mobile App through the Banners; users can also participate Startup via mobile App. The latest version of mobile App offers the asset analysis feature, which provide users with easier access to asset portfolio checking and more professional asset transaction analysis.
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What’s new:
1. Markets
1) Banner added;
2) Optimized memu;
3) Redirection to trading page from announcements added;
4) Startup feature added;
5) USDT market changed to USD(S) market.
2. Margin Trading
1) Risk warning pop added on tap of Risk Rate;
2) Margin trading account management and operation pop added;
3) Redirection to account and trading after lending/borrowing added.
3. Homepage
1) Wallet moved to main tab;
2) Fiat deposit and withdrawal features added on Wallet tab;
3) Asset analysis feature added;
4) Share asset analysis feature addes.
4. Fiat Trading
1) Share feature added to fiat lending and borrowing;
2) Lending/borrowing info summary added.
5. Others
1) Optimized periodic investment timing;
2) Improved QR code recognition;
3) Number of new messages display on bottom right when scrolling chat history in chatroom;
4) Soft keyboard pop up issue and chatroom list scrolling problem fixed;
5) Changed sample pictures of driver license and passport for KYC in Chinese and Korean; Added sample pictures and KYC guidance for other languages;
6) Time display added to Chatroom;
7) Asset analysis diagrams added;
8) Bug fixes.
Please note: users who update the App via the former version might experience crashes, please delete the former version before installing.