Listing Vote #16 — DOS Network VS Suterusu
6 min readAug 11, 2020

-- is a trading platform that does not charge listing fees, only launches quality projects, and provides users with a variety of blockchain assets trading services. To involve a higher amount of users in the process of expanding our list of coins, has implemented a new feature called “listing vote”, offering even more opportunities to launch high-quality projects.

Based on the feedback of our users, we have introduced a new Listing Vote Scheme where voters participating in each vote have to pay a bit USDT for the airdrop benefit. The USDT amount deducted from voters will be used to buy back and burn GT. The voting price required by voters will be presented on the voting page and the money will be deducted within two hours after the vote. Voters should make sure the USDT balance is sufficient on their account, or the they might fail to claim their airdrop benefit.

In each listing vote, participants can vote for two quality projects. The project with the majority of the votes will get the chance to be listed on at the first place. And its counterpart project will also get listed at a later period following the winner’s listing. All voters, regardless of which project they voted for, can win an airdrop of the tokens of the two projects according to the ratio of the votes they contributed in total.

1. Duration: 06:00 AM GMT August 11th, 2020–02:00 AM GMT August 12th, 2020

2. Airdrop Amount:
(1)If DOS Network becomes the winner, the trading service of DOS will be available on at the first place. Voters can share a 500,000 DOS airdrop and a 6,410,256.42 SUTER airdrop as per the Listing Vote Scheme.
(2)If Suterusu becomes the winner, the trading service of SUTER will be available on at the first place. Voters can share a 500,000 DOS airdrop and a 6,410,256.42 SUTER airdrop as per the Listing Vote Scheme.

3. Participate in the Listing Vote at:

Introduction to DOS Network

1. Project Introduction

Official website:
Link to Whitepaper:

2. Token Information
DOS is a utility token based on the Ethereum ERC-20 standard. DOS is used to incentivize various participants in the decentralized oracle and to ensure the continuous growth and scaling of the eco.

(1) Token Symbol: DOS

(2) Total Supply: 950,000,000

(3) Current Circ. Supply:132,036,278

(4) Token Allocation:
Mining Incentive: 35%
Eco Building: 19% (For node lock drop, exchange listing fees, network bootstrap incentives, bounty tasks, strategic partnership etc.)
Community Token Promotion: 1.5%
Private Sale: 14.5% (25% no lock up, vesting quarterly over 9 months)
Team: 15%
Foundation Reserve: 10% (For marketing, legal, PR, business development, etc.)
Advisor: 5%

(5) Token Release Schedule
Tokens reserved for the team and the advisor will be unlocked starting December 2020, and team tokens will be vested per month for 24 months after that.

(6) Token Price
Private Sale: $0.01 USD
IEO: $0.012 USD

(7) Inflation Rules:
The number of DOS tokens is fixed. 5% of the total supply, which were used for eco development purposes, have been destroyed already.

3.Deposit DOS at:

Introduction to Suterusu

1. Project Introduction
Suterusu brings an unprecedented level of privacy to all the cryptocurrency in the world. It integrates a state-of-the-art trustless ZK-ConSNARK scheme with almost constant size proofs, efficient proof generation and verification. Based on our novel ZK-ConSNARK scheme, Suterusu also introduces a Suter Virtual Machine (SuterVM) that supports both anonymous payment schemes for smart contract platforms such as Ethereum and anonymous BTC cross-chain transfer module. Various sophisticated privacy-preserving DeFi functionalities such as collateral, Lending, DEX can be built on top of the technical modules provided by the SuterVM. To ensure the decentralization degree and responsiveness of our protocol, we adopt a novel on-chain governance mechanism, i.e., liquid decentralized meritocracy. In a word, Suterusu is an innovative privacy-protection protocol built on solid technology.

Official website:
Link to Whitepaper:

2. Token Information
Suterusu aims to build a privacy second layer for all the cryptocurrencies. The Suter Token has been designed to incentivize Suter Validator nodes and community members to stake and pay for the gas fee the Suter protocol on various of blockchain and pay for the service of Suter VM.

(1) Token Symbol: SUTER

(2) Total Supply: 10,000,000,000

(3) Current Circ. Supply: 1,527,240,000 (Token mining is released daily at

(4) Token Allocation
Team Tokens:4.8%
Foundation Tokens:3.2%
Private Sales:16%
Future Mining:76%

(5) Token Release Schedule
Team and foundation tokens already are all locked in a smart contract and will be release on Oct 10th 2022. Private sale token will be locked until Suterusu’s privacy protocol is launched and after Suter protocol is launched, 1/180 of the private sale token will be released daily for 180 days.

(6) Token Price
Private Sale: $0.00625 USD

(7) Inflation Rules:
Suter Token is POS mining model, the mining rewards is 4.32 millions and allocate equally by the staked Suter tokens in the network. More than 95% daily mining output Suter tokens will be relock to stake in Suter’s networks the daily mining output is actually less than 216,000 Suters.

3.Deposit SUTER at:

Listing Vote Scheme (with GT buyback and burn included)

1.Participants: all the GT holders on 1 GT=1 vote

2.Vote allocation: For every participant, their vote equals the average 14-day GT holding (including assets in Lending/Borrowing Market, and the GT bought with USDT borrowed from Margin Trading; however, GT borrowed from Margin Trading is not allowed). The user’s votes will be calculated based on the average 14-day GT holding within two hours after the listing vote. Thus, please don’t make any changes to your GT holding before the counting of the votes.

For example, Bob is a new GT holder, and he buys and holds 14000GT one day before the sale. Therefore, his average 14-day GT holding will be 1000GT (14000GT/14 days), and he will have 1000 votes.

3. Every KYC participant can only vote with his GT and for one of the projects.

4.After the vote begins, the voting prices of both project will be presented on the voting page; once the voter confirms his vote, he has to pay based on the airdrop amount he wins, and the money will be automatically deducted within two hours after the vote. Voters should make sure the USDT balance is sufficient on their account, or the they might fail to claim their airdrop benefit.

5. In each listing vote, the project that gets the most votes, wins; the winner will be the project, which has more supporters, if both projects get the same number of votes.

6. After the listing vote, all voters will be rewarded with an airdrop of the tokens of the two projects. Meanwhile, will enable the trading service of the winning project on the day the vote ends; and the trading service of the project that fails in the vote will be enabled one day later.

7. Airdrop reward and voting cost:
1) Airdrop token: The tokens of both projects would be airdropped after the vote.

For example, there are project A and project B competing against each other during the vote compaign. User X supports project A, and User Y supports project B. After the vote, User X and User Y are eligible to win an airdrop of the tokens of the two projects, and they have to pay a bit of USDT for the airdrop benefit.

2) Airdrop reward: After this listing vote, the tokens of the two projects will be airdropped. All voters will win the token regardless of which project they voted for. The airdrop of the tokens will be ratioed according to how many votes of the voter account for the votes in total. The airdrop amount each voter can obtain for each project is calculated as follows:
Votes casted by the voter for the project÷total votes received by both projects×airdrop amount of the project

3) Amount deduction: After each vote, will calculate the airdrop amount each voter wins for each project, and automatically make a deduction (in USDT) based on the following formula:
Airdrop amount each voter wins for the project×vote price of the project toekn

8. The GT buyback and burning would be applied to our Listing Vote campaigns from now on. is adopting this approach as apart of its efforts to facilitate the value of GT; all USDT made from the deductions will be used to buy back and burn GT.


(1)Cheating: will cancel the votes of an account if any cheating is detected or reported by other users and confirmed. The account will no longer be qualified for the listing vote if more than three cheating records have been registered. reserves the final right to interpret this activity. is a trading platform that does not charge listing fees, only launches quality projects, and provides users with 100% guaranteed and instant deposit-withdrawal services.
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