Hosted A Successful Career Talk on Building a Career in Blockchain in Vietnam
2 min readMay 4, 2023

-- successfully hosted a career talk on 24 April 2023 at Nong Lam University’s Business Administration Club in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The talk was aimed at providing students with insights into building a successful career in the blockchain industry.

Around 50 students from the Business Administration Club attended the event, which featured a keynote speech from Mai,’s Country Manager. The event was divided into several segments, including a check-in and video introduction, a presentation, a career talk moderated by Mia, and a conversation between and the students.

During the career talk segment, three industry professionals — Sang, Hakai, and Lucky — shared their experiences and insights into building a career in the blockchain industry. The discussion was moderated by Mia, who provided valuable insights and tips on how students can prepare for a career in this dynamic and exciting field.

In addition, also presented its internship program to the students, providing them with an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the blockchain industry. The event concluded with a 15-minute conversation between and the students, where the team answered questions and provided further insights into the industry.

“We are delighted to have hosted this event and provided students with an opportunity to learn about building a career in the blockchain industry,” said Mia,’s Country Manager. “At, we believe in supporting and nurturing the next generation of industry professionals, and we are committed to providing students with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry.”

Overall, the career talk was a resounding success, providing students with valuable insights into building a career in the blockchain industry and helping to foster a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. is committed to hosting similar events in the future, as part of its ongoing commitment to supporting the development of the blockchain industry in Vietnam and beyond.

