Gate Charity Contributes 920K Lira to Sinemasal Academy, Exceeded 1 Million Lira Goal with User Donations
3 min readApr 14, 2023


Gate Charity, a global non-profit organization under the Gate Group, has championed a sizeable philanthropic effort by donating approximately 920,000 Turkish Lira on behalf of Gate Charity recently. To augment their support, Gate Charity then launched a dedicated donation channel on its platform, designed to assist children and adolescents while providing sustained backing for the organization. Impressively, the devoted Gate Group user community contributed more than 80,000 Lira to the initiative, propelling the fundraising campaign to surpass its ambitious goal of 1 million Turkish Lira on the morning of April 13th. Remarkably, this noteworthy achievement was realized in a mere two days.

Sinemasal Academy, a charity organization committed to helping children and youth in disaster-stricken areas, aims to improve their lives through education and psychological support. The academy serves children and adolescents aged 5–17 living in tent and container cities by offering an after-school education system and six hours of daily outdoor activities. The project includes a 28-week program comprising outdoor film screenings, theatre and concert events for children, mathematics, science, visual arts, sports activities, and outdoor workshops.

Rae, Deputy CEO of Gate Group, expressed her satisfaction in contributing to global charities, stating, “We believe that the advent of blockchain technology and digital assets presents unprecedented opportunities and challenges for charities. Gate Charity is devoted to employing these technologies and assets to address global social issues and benefit more people. We have launched a project donation channel, hoping to raise awareness about these social issues and encourage more contributions. We firmly believe that only through unity can we create a better world.”

The donation from Gate Charity and the additional funds from users will bolster the academy’s educational and psychological support programs, reaching more children and young people through the campus. This contribution also highlights Gate Charity and Gate Group’s commitment to addressing global social issues. They will continue to support charitable organizations worldwide and leverage blockchain technology and digital assets to create a more positive social impact.

Donation Link:

About Gate Charity:

Gate Charity is a global non-profit blockchain-based organization focused on promoting the development of blockchain charity movements around the world. With the mission of fostering balanced global development, Gate Charity unites millions of encrypted community users to enable leading blockchain technology. Through innovative and secure blockchain networks and encryption measures, the organization is dedicated to reducing the poverty gap, improving the lives of disadvantaged groups, maximizing educational equity, and promoting sustainable ecological development. For more information, visit

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